Preparing for discharge
When your baby is nearly ready to go home, staff will agree a provisional discharge date with you.
If you would like, nurses will help you to give your baby his or her first bath before discharge and talk through feeding with you. We will also explain and show you how to give any medications that your baby requires. It is common for babies born under a certain age to be given daily vitamins and iron supplements because babies store up vitamins during the last month of pregnancy and babies born before 36 weeks may miss this process. Your GP or Health Visitor will advise you on how long these should continue, and your GP should be able to give you a repeat prescription.
You may have many new questions at this time, so if you are unsure about anything at all please do not hesitate to ask.
You may also be asked if you would like to 'room-in' on the unit. This involves staying in our special parents bedrooms on the unit and having your baby in the bedroom with you so that you can care for him or her during the day, overnight, or both. his helps parents to build their confidence yet still have staff available for support and advice. It may also help you to discover the things you need to know before your baby is discharged.
If you will be bottle feeding at home, it is useful if you can bring in the bottles and teats you have bought to allow your baby to get used to these before discharge. |